Summertime in Cornwall

“So fine was the morning except for a streak of wind here and there that the sea and sky looked all one fabric, as if sails were stuck high up in the sky, or the clouds had dropped down into the sea.” 
― Virginia Woolf, To The Lighthouse


I don’t think there’s a better place to be in summertime than Cornwall.  We have golden beaches and we’re surrounded to both the north and south by the Atlantic Ocean which turns a range of colours from turquoise to blue depending on the height of the sun.  In the evenings the sunsets are an intense orange colour. 


There are plenty of artists in the area meaning there’s always inspiring people to meet.  Ever since the railway line from London was built in the 1880’s artists have been coming because the combination of sun and sea creates a bright light which adds colour to painting.  Before that, it’s a little darker - we had a history of pirates and smugglers ( .


Whilst I sit at my sewing machine in the studio, I look out over a bay with a lighthouse that’s been written about by Virginia Woolf and painted by Alfred Wallis.  It’s a lovely place to work but by the end of the day you just want to get to the sea, so I often take the Moshlings down to the beach for a photoshoot.


I can’t say the sun shines all the time.  Quite often we get stuck in a sea mist for days when the rest of Europe is having a heatwave but right now the sun’s out and summer is properly here, so I’ve decided to make a special set of summery clothes to keep everyone stylish but cool. I hope you enjoy them!